Sunday, February 15, 2009

So What About that Secret?...

I twittered it, but I neglected to write a short follow-up post here about the secret iPhone service I mentioned I had been testing last week. It was announced at the TOC conference on Tuesday and attendees had a chance to test drive it for free for a day.

What am I talking about? It's the mobile UI for Safari Books Online. The url is but it's still in beta for the time being. I'm told the service will go live for all Safari subscribers later this month.

What's so exciting about that? The Safari mobile UI will enable you to access your Safari book subscription from the convenience of your mobile device. I've been playing with it on my iPhone and it's terrific. I love that I can read portions of a book while I'm standing in line at the grocery story, sitting at the airport, etc., all without having to pull out my laptop.

If you're a Safari subscriber you'll soon have the same access I do. If you're not a subscriber, go check out the service now -- it's unbeatable access to an extensive library of books, all for about the price of one print book per month.

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